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Laptop Ergonomics - Basic Tips - Adult or Child Laptop Use at Home, Work or School

Laptop Ergonomics - Basic Tips - Adult or Child Laptop Use at Home, Work or School

Ergonomic use of Laptop or Computer devices for recreation or work at home, office or school can bring you great benefits, including your children or kids, if you adopt healthy habits by using them as a correct posture, regular breaks and a proper adjustment of equipment. Awareness of these Ergonomics basic safety tips and suggestions can help prevent or relive occupational work, classroom or home stresses or disorders such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Back / Neck Pain or vision care when using laptop devices: Adult or Child Laptop Use at Home, Work or Classroom: Laptop Use while Traveling on Planes, Trains and in Hotels: Mobile or Smart Phone Use while Driving, Traveling or on the Move: Follow these basic Laptop safety tips to improve your experience: √ If you use your laptop on the couch : • Make more frequent breaks because it is the best posture for the back. • Try to have your back straight and supported on a cushion. √ To relieve muscle tension in the neck : • Use a chair that allows you to have your back straight at 90 degrees thighs. • Relax your neck and keep it aligned with your back. • Place the top of the screen at eye level. √ To relieve muscle tension in arms : • Use a separate keyboard and mouse. • Keep arms and forearms at 90 degrees. √ To relieve stress at the hearing : • Target your job so you are not reflections or glare. • Blink frequently to keep the eyes hydrated. √ Children / Kids use of laptop / computers at home : • Try to have your back straight and supported on a cushion. • Try to us a cushion to have the screen at eye level. • Use a separate keyboard and mouse. • In some cases, use a box as a foot rest. • Limit time of computer use each day to 30 minutes. • Ensure your child spends more time exercising then computer time. SUMMARY OF HEALTHY LAPTOP AND COMPUTER ERGONOMICS by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration: • Modifications to Existing Furniture • Attention to Ergonomics • Frequent Movement • Frequent Breaks • Varied Seating • Body Posture • Stretching Leads to a healthy laptop work place, classroom or home healthy habits 7 COMPONENTS TO HEALTHY COMPUTING • Fitness • Work Style • Vision Care • Ergonomics • Regeneration • Somatic Awareness • Stress Management - - HEALTHY LAPTOP / COMPUTING ANIMATION - - Original Animated Video created in Spanish for Vodafone VODAFONE GROUP PLC El uso de dispositivos móviles para ocio o trabajo puede aportarte grandes beneficios siempre que adoptes hábitos saludables al utilizarlos, como una postura correcta, descansos regulares y un correcto ajuste del equipo. Siempre que te sea posible, es aconsejable: √ Si usas el portátil en el sofá: • Hacer descansos más frecuentes porque no es la mejor postura para la espalda. • Procurar tener la espalda erguida y apoyada sobre un cojín. √ Para aliviar la tensión muscular de las cervicales: • Utilizar una silla que te permita tener la espalda recta formando 90 grados con los muslos. • Relajar el cuello y mantenerlo alineado con la espalda. • Situar la parte superior de la pantalla a la altura de los ojos. √ Para aliviar la tensión muscular de los brazos: • Utilizar un teclado y un ratón independientes. • Mantener los brazos y antebrazos formando 90 grados. √ Para aliviar la tensión en la vista: • Orientar tu puesto para que no tengas reflejos o deslumbramientos. • Parpadear más frecuentemente para mantener los ojos hidratados. Más información en : This video with titles in english: Healthy use of laptops at home Laptop Ergonomics - Basic Tips - Adult or Child Laptop Use at Home, Work or School My friend MARK HESLEHURST is a candidate for Middlesbrough By-Election MP. I need some help to drive online traffic to his website and share his links to the world. Thanks everyone!
Posture: the Key to Good Health  | Annette Verpillot | TEDxMontrealWomen

Posture: the Key to Good Health | Annette Verpillot | TEDxMontrealWomen

NOTE FROM TED: This talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, contains several assertions about posture that are not supported by peer-reviewed studies in medicine. While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this talk for medical advice. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: When considering chronic pain, posture is often overlooked. What if understanding posture and the connections of the body could be the key to prevention? Annette Verpillot is the founder of Posturepro, a health company specializing in body neuromechanics and Posturology. She is a Canadian entrepreneur, therapist, public speaker and internationally esteemed Posturologist. Annette has developed some of the world’s most advanced rehabilitation and injury prevention training protocols, while also creating an international Posturology training program. Her unique postural evaluation system has gained great distinction and is recognized throughout the world for addressing chronic pain, increasing strength, and increasing sports proficiency. Today, she is regarded as one of the most experienced Posturologists in North America and has had numerous opportunities to present and teach Posturology to professionals in various fields (medicine, chiropractics, dentistry, naturopathy, sports therapy and ophthalmology). Annette has presented her methods and Posturology on Breakfast Television, ICI Television, Collectively Beautiful, and has provided teachings to significantly large international organizations as well as renowned strength coaches, elite athletes and team coaches from professional and college-level leagues. She also hosts various podcasts and holds a semi-regular spot on a local radio station. She continues to recognize and address the various factors associated with global health issues and pursues to amaze professionals who have an open mind that wish to truly and lastingly help their clients and patients. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Joanne talking about posture on Seven Sharp
More Information

Impact of screen use in schools

Does Posture Correction Matter?

Screen time associated with behavioral problems in preschoolers

Effect of an exercise program for posture correction on musculoskeletal pain

The use of technology in teaching

First NZ Study on effects of screen-time on pre-school children

Supporting the “Digital Natives”: what is the role of schools?

What too much screen time can do to kids

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Browns Bay address:
Browns Bay Racquets Club
4 Woodlands Crescent
Freyberg Park
Browns Bay, 0630


Takapuna Bay address:
North Shore Squash Club
Shea Terrace

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